Rabu, 10 Maret 2010

Importance of Insurance Education


Thousands of students every year are forced to leave school and could not continue their education to a higher level.The main reason they put it, is always the cost issue.
Based on data Sampoerna Foundation (SF), approximately 72 percent of children who drop out of school due to lack of educational costs (economy).Other factors may also lead to school dropouts are broken home factor both parents, lack of interest in children to continue their education and also environmental factors.
But economic factors become the main reason many students and parents for not continuing education their child. Especially now, before attending school, the parents are always faced with the cost issues needed for expenses such as school registration fee (registration), fees, BP3, buy textbooks and school supplies in the amount of the child to reach millions of rupiah.
You mean she wanted her sons and daughters of education continues, and managed to have a job as the school and can improve the economic welfare of the family. But what power, the cost for it is not sufficient. For this reason, needed a planning for parents, so that when their child will attend school, the cost for it already exists. Many insurance companies and banks that offer solutions to solve the problem of education costs.Insurance industry to offer insurance education, while banks offer education savings.

In essence, the two products together, but differ on bail (protection).''The difference lies in the protection or security. If the education savings, if the parents die, he is just having the right to take the money savings alone.education insurance, if the parents die, then the insured is getting money from the insurance coverage in accordance with the premium paid,''said Ana Mustamin, manager of public relations for Insurance Republika Bumiputera.
He added that the difference between education and insurance savings lies in the education period.''If savings can usually be taken anytime (anytime), while insurance education can only be taken when children going to school,''said Ana. Ana says, with a take out of education, so parents do not have to worry anymore about the cost of children's education. Parents can determine the amount of sum assured every month. When her son needed money for school, parents can simply take the money which was handed over the insurance. The benefit is very large'',''said Bambang Prasadi Kusumawardhana wife.

Among its benefits, she said, needs children's education costs at a certain time period can be planned early. Thus, while attending school, parents are not confused to think about costs. through education insurance, old people have a guarantee for the future of children, despite the respective dies before the insured pays out,''the woman's birth Bone, South Sulawesi, 37 years ago.
The same was conveyed Bureau Chief of Public Relations of PT Asuransi Jasa Indonesia (Jasindo), Dewi Poedjiastuti. According to this veiled woman, Jasindo insurance - although not specifically provide insurance products in the form of education - a school of insurance products. If insurance is more education on long-term savings for children's education, school children Jasindo insurance is insurance coverage for students or students due to an accident.''For the school children have insurance, simply by buying tickets schoolchildren insurance provided by Jasindo.

The amount of compensation premiums adjusted to the desired compensation,''explained Dewi. He added, Jasindo offers four groups according to the compensation to the amount of compensation insurance premiums. To risk death in the group I with compensation compensation of Rp 3 million, money-per-year premiums of Rp 6750 per coupon.''As for the compensation of $.2 million (Group II), the premiums per year is $4,2 'he said.Insurance benefits of school children, said the Goddess, is to give a feeling of security to parents when their child hospitalized in the accident.

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