Lots of ads - ads offering WEB HOSTING services with cheap price, for example $2,00/ month for the space that was big enough, too, 10Mb. With this cheap price you will usually find some limits features, such as unlimited email accounts, does not support the database, no scripts and preinstall any other website. Basically you will be faced with the situation should choose a more complete package with a different price increases as well.
If you want to build a website that supports the database and did not want to bother with the limited number of email accounts, then you have to pay a minimum monthly $3,00/mont to enjoy all the features.
Which we discussed above is the type of hosting to share IP technique. Web Hosting Manager is just enough to have an Internet connection, 1 Public IP address and two PC servers (NAMESERVER1 and NAMESERVER2. The share of this IP domains will be virtual using public IP 1 fruit, and differentiated customer accounts in the directory only in mapping the virtual as well. Investment above can be regarded as a small investment, which take into account is the cost of Internet connections that must be paid each month. Usually the web hosting business manager was doing Collocation them to a network server IIX , where they will get a very large bandwidth for Internet access in the local Indonesian (share 10Mbps). For international connections 128kbps small enough (the sooner the better, it's just very expensive.)
Now anyone with IT skills can open a business intermedit Web Hosting. You can find lots of ads in the IT magazines, advertising on the internet a lot to offer Web hosting services with a choice of Windows or Linux servers with a few feature options. The benefits of the rebate purchase domain names and rent hard disk space for hosting customers. More and more customers the more fortunate of course because the cost of fixed location.
For those of you who want to build a business hosting linux server, now has available many tools to manage the hosting, which you can easily create new customer accounts, invoicing, manage email, databases, backup systems and more. Several tools are available for free with the GPL license that you can download and install on your server, as an example:
1. ISPconfig www.ispconfig.org
2. HOST4NET http://www.host4net.us
3. ISPCP http://www.isp-control.net
For your serious and want to build a Professional Web Hosting business, you have to use hosting management software is commercial, there are 2 well known are:
1. cPanel and WebHost Manager (WHM) 11 http://www.cpanel.com current version
2. Http://www.swsoft.com/plesk/ current Plesk version 8.2
Software on the second most widely used on Windows and Linux WEB HOSTING. From both the software most widely used in Indonesia and the world is famous cpanel ,cpanel as rich in features and economical price and cobranding feature so you can change the header into your company's name.

Plesk known very stable and easy and there is no bug when upgrading. Two software provides many features and convenience for customers. Also provides ready-made php script with fantastico tools (in cpanel) and Site application (in plesk). Please refer to the website to view detailed prices and features. Features that are not less important is the reseller management features that allow you to create packages for your reseller that can help your marketing.
For those of you who are not ready to build a Web Hosting business may be able to choose a resellerHosting business. You can enroll in the famous web hosting reseller package provides and start selling hosting to your company's name. On the side of your customers will not know you wore one as a master hosting you can do and ns cobranding name using your name. Please visit our web hosting recommendations www.rumahweb.com (using cpanel) and www.namadomain.com (using plesk) for more detailed information.
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